Intelligent interface design

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training in Interactive Robotics

A PhD student position is available in Industrial Engineering-Human Factors-Psychology for 36 months to work in the field of Human Robot Interface Design. This Early Stage Research Training position is funded by the European Union as part of the “INTRO” Marie Curie Initial Training Network which in total offers 10 positions in the interdisciplinary areas of Interactive Robotics; Cooperative Robot Learning, Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and Intelligent Interface Design. INTRO involves 6 partners: Umea University, Sweden; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany; University of the West of England, UK; Space Applications Services, Belgium, and Robosoft, France.

According to Marie-Curie rules, Early Stage Researcher applicants must be in their first 4 years since gaining a University degree which would entitle them to embark on doctoral studies in the country the degree was received. Candidates cannot already possess a PhD qualification. The applicant must not be a national of Israel unless the applicant holds also another nationality, and has not resided in Israel during the previous 5 years. At the time of appointment, the applicant must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity in Israel for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her appointment. Exceptions are given if the applicant has legally resided and had his/her main activity in a non–Associated third country for at least 3 of the last 4 years immediately prior to his/her appointment.

This appointment will be through Ben-Gurion University; however, the PhD student will join a training program comprising the following major components: An individual research project conducted in close cooperation with researchers from the partner universities and industries; A network-wide training program that includes regular courses, courses in complementary skills (such as project management and proposal writing); Seminars, and workshops. In the research project, the PhD student will develop models of human-robot interaction and design guidelines for human robot interfaces, based on experimental studies to design efficient and robust interfaces. The influence of different interfaces on human operator performance will be evaluated. We will also evaluate efficiency and proficiency learning curves for various task and user categories to enable prediction of learning rates and levels and to determine the human capabilities that influence the ability to operate robotic systems in different tasks. System evaluation will include usability tests. Socio-economic aspects and safety issues related to interface design will also be considered. Formal validation of the correctness, including safety of all interfaces and robot actions, will be developed.  The student will investigate the use of safety analysis techniques to identify safety tasks and the use of design principles such as design diversity, algorithmic redundancy, or fault tolerance techniques, to improve the reliability of robot system interfaces. Trainees must register for a Ph.D. at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva. One part of the project will be conducted at University of the West of England.

The applicant must have completed a MSc thesis in Engineering, Computer Sciences or Psychology. The applicant must be skilled in both oral and written communication in English, be able to work independently as well as in collaboration with others. Experience in artificial intelligence, robotics, cognitive science and programming are merits. The application should contain a CV, academic grades, a copy of degree project report and any publications, three personal references (one from the MSc  thesis advisor) and one A4 sheet describing the personal motivation for applying for this position. The candidate must submit a research proposal and go through a Qualification Exam within one year of studies on his/her research proposal. Additional requirements and details are indicated in:

Informal enquiries should be directed to: Professor  Joachim Meyer, e-mail: joachim

Applicants should provide all necessary registration information to Ms. Sima Koram, email: simagel as indicated in

and send a copy of their application to joachim

Salary (which will be subject to Israeli taxation) will be at the EU Marie Curie rate. Other benefits such as a career exploratory allowance and travel allowances will be available.

Additional project information can be found at

Closing date: Applications should be sent as soon as possible;

the post is currently available and must be filled by September 2010.

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