INTRO – INteractive RObotics research network
INTRO is a 4-year EU funded Initial Training Network (ITN) in the Marie-Curie People Programme (FP7). The following academic and industrial partners represent the network:
– Umeå University, Sweden
– Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
– Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
– Space Applications Services, Belgium
– Robosoft, France
– University of the West of England, UK
INTRO aims to create a new generation of robotic researchers with a broad understanding of the research and technologies needed to build intelligent robots that function in close interaction with humans in unstructured, changing “real word” conditions. The training has a strong multidisciplinary approach complemented by specialized domain knowledge. Young researchers will work closely with industries, endowing them with insight and understanding of the industrial product life-cycle and valuable hands-on experience of top-level industrial robot development. By blending complementary skills, INTRO will improve the career perspectives of young researchers, in both academic and industrial sectors. This will be achieved through a transnational network of universities and robot companies, with senior researchers from different disciplines (robotics, artificial intelligence, cognitive sciences, human factors) coming from different ‘schools-of-thought’ (computer sciences, industrial engineering, psychology). Each PhD student will be stationed at one of the universities and will also undergo a secondment and visit other partners. The post-doctoral researchers will be stationed at one of the partner companies, with several visits to the other partners’ institutions.
For queries about INTRO, please contact the coordinator Thomas Hellström (
For specific queries about single projects or specific open positions, please contact the partner in question (see Partners).